Saturday, September 2, 2017

Packet oops

I have received word that some packets had some printing problems and errors. I am posting what should have been sent home about the Parent participation.

Parent and Guardian Participation:  Each parent or guardian will be encouraged to give at least three hours of service in order to make this show successful.  If you are not able to volunteer, we will be accepting $30 to cover the time.  We will also need a parent or volunteer to oversee each production crew such as Costumes, Sets, Stage Crew, Tickets & Advertisement, etc.  These individuals will be responsible for the assigned crew and will report to the director.  

Also, some packets were missing the song. You can find the full song in the packet linked here and you can practice it by following the directions below.

Click on the Wonka Practice Music link. Go to the Golden Age of Chocolate, the audition piece starts at 2 minutes 11 eleven seconds.

If you still need a packet click HERE to print it.

Good luck!


  1. Which song are they supposed to practice and present at auditions? I only see a few bars of music in the audition packet with no title or anything.

    1. So sorry. Some packets were missing the song. You can find the full song in the packet linked here and you can practice it by following the directions below.
      Click on the Wonka Music Link on the right side tab and go to the Golden Age of Chocolate. The audition piece starts at minute 2 and 11 seconds. The words can be printed off with the packet in the link as well.
