Welcome back to Crestview Performance! We are gearing up to get everything ready for auditions and wanted to let you know of some important dates.
Audition packets in front office & linked here - August 26th
Auditions - September 3rd or 4th
Your student may pick which day they audition. They will need a signed audition slip and will audition in front of the directors. A director will call on the evening of September 4th if they would like to see your child at the call back auditions.
Call Back Auditions - September 5th
Cast List Posting - September 6th at 4pm
Cast will be posted here on the blog.
Dress Rehearsals - November 15, 18 & 19
Performances - November 20, 21 and 22
Please fill out the Required Survey linked here if your child is auditioning. ----->
This is a darling show and we are excited to watch your children SHINE. Remember, everyone that auditions is in the show! Hope to see you at auditions.